10 Reasons to Get a Condo Website

  1. It’s Affordable: When you sign up for a site with a company that specializes in condo or strata websites, the company is able to spread the development costs across multiple strata boards, which means the cost to any one board should be much lower than you’d anticipate.
  2. It Increases the Perceived Value of your Property: An active, dynamic community website offers added value to your condo/strata. An Interactive site in which users can communicate ideas and log concerns can provide your strata with something unique and coveted.
  3. It’s Convenient & Simple – With a condo website, you no longer have to search for files and documents or worry about board members retiring or moving and taking key documents with them. All homeowner documents – including bylaws, insurance documents, agendas and minutes – can be posted to private, secured areas of your site.
  4. Save Time and Money – When your community can turn to a website to log issues, read news, pose questions or make suggestions to the board, issues become centrally stored and can be dealt with quickly and by the right person. Making information available online can drastically cut down the number of phone calls to board members or Property Managers.
  5. Knowledge is Power – If your website has news feeds, you’ll receive current information about your strata association as well as local news and events online. If newsletters don’t regularly reach you or if you’re apt to lose them, a website solves these issues.
  6. Easy Access to the Community Calendar – Include an Event Calendar on your website, and you’ll be able to see all events including Annual General Meetings, monthly board meetings and community events (like annual barbeques, community garage sales or walking club meetings).
  7. Participation is Easy – We are all busy and it’s hard to get involved, but with an interactive website, you can submit news and articles, respond to surveys and polls, and organize community events. Your website does not have to be static; the more interactive it is, the more opportunity there is for you to get involved.
  8. It’s Easy to Communicate – With a condo or strata website, you will receive active and immediate information from the Board of Directors.  Online issue reporting and private messaging give you direct access to communicate your concerns with your Board and Property Manager. With your site acting as a communication portal, there’ll be no need to search for email addresses or phone numbers and you won’t have to figure out who your question should go to; all that can be built into your website.
  9. You can Include Classified Sections – If your website has a classified section, you’ll be able to list that exercise equipment that’s taking up space, offer pet sitting or house cleaning services, post a help wanted notice or let neighbours know you’d like to borrow a set of tools.
  10. You can Connect with Neighbours – By using your website, you can welcome new neighbours to the community or announce weddings, anniversaries, graduations and more.