As a property manager, are you tired of managing condo or strata properties through a clutter of paperwork and manual processes? Switch to eStrata and watch your condo management become more efficient than ever before.
We've been working hard recently to roll out new improvements to our eStrata demo site. This post gives a brief overview of some of our popular modules - Document Storage, News and Articles.
We're in the process of rolling out some great new Document Storage features to our current and future clients. To check out the new features, please try out our demo site.
#1 - It’s Affordable: When you sign up for a site with a company that specializes in condo or strata websites, the company is able to spread the development costs across multiple strata boards, which means the cost to any one board should be much lower than you’d anticipate.
"The clock has died in the Recreation Room!", "The Laundry Room carpet is soaking wet!", "The windows need to be resealed!" eStrata's Service Request module allows your users to log issues and for you to track and manage those issues.